In light of bridging the ever increasing gap between the have’s and have not’s, there is an increasing need to focus our attention on taking up social initiatives that help the underprivileged layer of the society. The need is to bring positive changes in the life of the deprived children and their families. These initiatives work as a channel to bring about a sustainable change in the life of the people who have been pushed to the boundaries due to the societal structural forces.
At Vahini, we are opening VCVT (VAHINI CENTER FOR VOCATIONAL TRAINING) in villages and in the slum areas so that girls of those areas can be given proper training other than Education. Our Skill Development programs help poor and needy people to learn new skills and use them to acquire gainful employment.
Education & Training
As we know that Education empowers people to earn their livelihood. They become aware about various issues and challenges faced by them. They become aware about the health and hygiene issues by facing them and can take proactive actions to bring about a radical improvement. A strong foundation is created with the training imparted to them that allows them to look for a good job and enjoy a better life.
At Vahini, we have adopted villages, in this process we are trying to promote education to the families who are not sending their children to school. We are also working on the Government Scheme “Right to Education”. Government on their behalf provide midday meals, uniforms and course books to the students to bring children out of their home to study, but this is not enough . On our survey we found that to compete with the other Private schools we need to provide them good hygiene conditions and fulfill the other basic necessities so that they can attract children to attend the school. So, at Vahini we are helping the poor students by providing them Stationery, Woolens , Sports Uniforms, benches , Studying Boards , Shoes and other necessary items required by them .Our focus is not only education but we are also in the process of making them familiar to the co curricular activities, like Drawing , Sports , Computer Education and Music to the underprivileged students so that they can understand today’s scenario and can opt their Fundamental right.
Our efforts along with the Government’s Initiatives are helping in bringing about marked improvement in the social and economic conditions of the people belonging to the marginalized sections of the society.